Club Championship 2023
With the Club Championship on the horizon we thought we would give members an update on how many qualifying competitions they have played. To be eligible for Club championship you must have played in at least 5 qualifying competitions.
We have placed a scrolling banner on the landing page of the Members Area named ‘Club Championship 2023 Qualifier List’ - click on this and members will see how many competitions they have played and whether they need to play additional competitions to become eligible. A reminder, the Members Area password is: bunkers
If you have not played 5 qualifying competitions there is still time to do so. If your playing partners do not wish to enter the competition, you can still enter as long as a Club Member signs your card.
If you have not played a competition before and feel daunted by the idea, please do talk to the Golf Pros who will organise an experienced player to show you the ropes!