Newsletter May 2023


I am sure we all welcome the glorious weather we have been experiencing recently but it has presented a challenge for our greenkeepers!  Shaun our Head Greenkeeper and his team are working long hours not only trying to keep on top of cutting the grass, but also the additional watering!  This has been paying off and we are constantly receiving good feedback from members about the course presentation.



Due to the number of people wishing to play on  Saturday and Sunday mornings, we have decided to open up tee slots FOR SEVEN DAY MEMBERS ONLY from 6.14am to 7.06am on both these days.  Only those with a tee booking will be allowed out.


We also receive many complaints that members are not ready to tee off at their allocated tee time.  This causes huge problems and delays for all.  The Marshall will now be monitoring this, and if you are not on your designated tee at least ten minutes before your allocated tee time, you will miss your tee booking.  



Recently sixteen members went to Dartmouth for a Ryder Cup style competition headed up by Mark Dawe (Europe) and Chris Gosney (USA).  It was a very enjoyable few days and the competition was very competitive with the final result being 9 - 8 to Europe.  Already there have been requests for the next event!  The main gold trophy and the individual winner’s medals were very kindly donated by Richard Robaczynski.


Also, Congratulations are due to Mark Dawe for winning the Lee-on-Solent Pro-Am last Friday – obviously his experience gained at Dartmouth has paid off!



Membership Fees are due on or before 1st July 2023.  This deadline will be strictly adhered to, so if you have not renewed in time you will need to pay the relevant green fee.  There has had to be an increase which I suspect you will have anticipated, and below are the prices for the new fees.

We can see from our system that many members are in a membership category that is not financially beneficial to them.  If you would like to discuss your options, please could you do this sooner rather than later when we will be busy processing the memberships.  For those who would like to pay by direct debit please discuss this at the counter. 


Invite your friends or family who are not existing members to join our Seven or Five Day Membership and you will both receive a £25.00 credit on your account. Once you both come in to join, your accounts will be credited immediately. You can use this credit to pay for your membership fees, competition fees as well as in the shop or on the range. So don’t delay! There‘s never been a better time to share your love of golf with your friends and family.



We do have Club crested polo shirts and sweaters available.  When playing at Chilworth or particularly when we play in Club matches or even on friendly days it is good to see Club colours being worn.  Please ask at the counter if you would like us to order for you.



With the warmer weather we are seeing an increase in the number of people who are playing competitions.  Since renewal last year we have paid out over £6,700.00 in competition prize money, so actively playing in Club Competitions can be not only good fun, but also financially rewarding!  If you have not played a competition before and feel daunted by the idea, please do talk to the Golf Pros who will organise an experienced player to show you the ropes!


If you have not played 5 qualifying competitions in order to play in the Club Championship there is still time to do so.  If your playing partners do not wish to enter the competition, you can still enter as long as a Club Member signs your card.



We have now had confirmation that our Hampshire 7’s team will be playing Bramshaw in the next round of the competition. It is yet to be confirmed whether this match will be home or away. Once the course is confirmed, a team will be selected to partake in the next round.



The deadline for the first round of the summer knock out competition has all but concluded. Congratulations to the victors and commiserations to the losers of the first round. The deadline for the second round has been set for the 30th of June 2023.  Any matches un-played by this date will be decided by a random draw.  Please do not ask counter staff for dispensation - we are going to be strict on this deadline.  Our suggestion is that you make contact with your opponents sooner rather than later!



Our Ladies have recently played a friendly match against Wellow. The matched ended in a draw with the result being 2 – 2. This was a fun match for all involved which was concluded with a selection of sandwiches for the ladies to enjoy.



The Committee have chosen ‘Jane Scarth House’ as the charity for this year.  This is the home of the Romsey Cancer Support Centre.  More details can be found at:-  We will be running various charity days throughout the year and hope you will support this worthy cause.



Please do take care on the golf course and remember to




Lydia Garner