Newsletter April 2023

Course News

After an extremely tough and wet start to the year we had a much more positive February and the course was looking fantastic. Unfortunately March hit us with some torrential rain, culminating in over 6 inches throughout the month. This obviously caused major disruptions to the course and meant having only 9 holes open on several occasions. We are hopeful that we are through the worst of the weather now and can start to see the course take shape for a busy summer.



Summer Knockouts and Eclectic Competitions

The Club Summer Singles and Doubles Knockouts will start on 1st May . The cost is £5 each. If you would like to take part please add your name to the sign up sheet or let reception know.

As the weather has not been good, the club eclectic will now run until April 23rd.


Club Championship

With the summer fast approaching we thought we had better remind you of the dates and qualification process to play in Club Championship.

To participate you must have played in 5 qualifying competitions in the twelve months prior to the date of the Championship. This includes all weekend medals and stablefords and for the Ladies and Ambassadors Championships it includes all individual Monday and Tuesday competitions.  The dates of the 3 events are as follows:

  • Club Championship 1st & 2nd July

  • Ladies Championship 3rd July

  • Ambassadors Championship 4th July


Daily Mail Foursomes


Chilworth were represented by Craig Churcher and Rob Churcher who won their first round match against Romsey and will be playing against South Winchester in the next round on 16th April. Our Ladies team of Pam Bundy & Sue Rich unfortunately lost in a tight match to South Winchester.



Club Secretary

Many of you have mentioned that you haven’t seen Fred for a while, he is currently recovering after having surgery and will be at Chilworth in the not too distant future.

Lydia Garner