March 2025 Newsletter
External Competitions
This month we held qualifiers for several external competitions that we are due to take part in this year. We were happy to see a healthy turn out of members willing to represent the club. If you were not able to attend this year then rest assured, these qualifiers will be an annual event that we will use to dictate the teams for that year’s competitions.
The draws have been made now for both the Daily Mails Foursomes and the Hampshire Sevens with us playing Romsey in the Foursomes and New Forest in the Sevens. We will keep all members updated with results throughout the competition.
Knockouts upcoming
As we approach the middle of the year, sign-ups are coming around for the club knockout competitions. This year we will be holding knockouts over a few categories to hopefully have at least one competition to appeal to all members. The knockouts we are running are as follows:
Mixed Doubles (Male & female)
Each competition will have a £5.00 entry fee. Sign-up sheets are up on the Club and Ambassadors noticeboards. All players MUST pay prior to signing up. Entries close on the 17th of April 2025.
Open day
We will be holding two open days this year in a hope to attract as many people to the club as possible. There will be a Ladies and Seniors Open Day held on Friday the 11th of July 2025. Followed by an Open Day on the Saturday 12th of July 2025.
The Ladies and Seniors Open Day is open to all ladies as well as males over the age of 55. The Open Day will be available to everyone. The format for both days will be a 3 Ball Bowmaker with tee times being allocated. All participants must have an official WHS handicap.
Sign-ups would be accepted in teams with each team having no more than one member. The cost is £30.00 per person (members £20.00 per person plus green fees if applicable). Sign-up and pay at the counter. This is an excellent opportunity to invite your friends that play at other clubs
Following the success of previous events, we have again decided to host a quiz night on Friday the 14th of March 2025. Entry will be £20.00 per person with teams being capped at a maximum of 6 people. We will be serving a mild chicken korma at 6:30pm with the quiz commencing from 7:00pm.
Sign up is available at the counter now!
After feedback received from members, a decision has been made by the committee to offer a choice in branding regarding the club apparel. We still offer Uneek which would cost £12.50 per t-shirt for the men. However, as an option we are now able to offer Callaway polos which would come at a cost of £36.00 per t-shirt.
Please ensure you order your shirt by 15th March which is when we will be sending the order. Remember all those playing in Club matches must wear a white Club shirt.
The Ambassadors wish to welcome new members. They meet every Tuesday morning with the first tee off time at 7:46 am. To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
1. Be a member of Chilworth Members Golf Club
2. You must want to be classified as an Ambassador and apply to be put on the list
3. Play with the Ambassadors regularly on a Tuesday morning.
4. Open to male members, 55 years of age and above.
5. Must have an up-to-date active WHS handicap to count for competition prizes. If you do not have a handicap now, this can be achieved by playing on a Tuesday morning.
Players must register by 17:00 hours on the Friday to play the following Tuesday. (This can be done by phone, email or What’s App group). There is a sign-up sheet on the counter.
Our greenkeepers have been hard at work to maintain and protect the quality of the golf course. Although we’ve had some adverse weather, the team have been able to continue working through the conditions to ensure that the necessary work is done.
We would like all members to be aware that while they are working on the course, the greenkeepers have priority. If you do come across our greenkeepers working, please wait for them to finish the hole, until they are out of reach or until they wave you through. In exceptional circumstances, you may also be required to move on to the next hole, however you will be made aware of this prior to the round. We would appreciate your cooperation on this matter.
Although it has been hard to get the machines out on the course, we have been able to fully cut the golf course prior to the last wet spell. This included trimming down most of the long grass but leaving some ready for the bird nesting season.
We have also been working to maintain the health of our greens. This has involved the tinning feeding and spraying fungicide. This work can be disruptive, but it is imperative to improve the course conditions.
To try and protect the golf course, staff have been working tirelessly to install a new boundary fence. The hope is that this will limit access to the course from anyone who is not permitted to be there. The issues of vandals are always a threat, but this work should minimise the risk. Our intention is to over time, plant native hedging to disguise the fencing.
If you have any issues with greenkeeping, please direct your concerns to the Club email rather than tackling individual staff. It can be very demotivating to staff that are working conscientiously. Also, if we receive emails we can record and respond to them.
Staff qualifications
Some of our greenkeepers have gained their qualification this winter in spraying and chainsaw use. Several members of staff will be refreshing their first aid qualifications, and one has refreshed their Safeguarding Children and Young people Digital Safety in Sport.
The feedback on the roast dinners has been very positive so much so, these are now available every Sunday but please book in advance with Charlie’s staff. They are now taking bookings for Mother’s Day and Easter Sunday – first come first served!
Please be aware that if you are on a diet, there are a large selection of home-made cakes for sale which are very tempting!
Eclectic finishing at end of March some members have six cards to submit!!!