External Competition Qualifiers Rearranged

Dear member,


As you may have been aware, the qualifier for the foursomes external competitions were scheduled to be held on the weekend just gone. Due to the course condition, the decision was made to postpone this for a week. As a result, the foursomes qualifier will be held this weekend being the 8th and 9th of February. This also means that the stroke play qualifier for the Hampshire 7's has moved to the weekend of the 15th and 16th of February.

Entries for the qualifiers will be the standard competition fee of £4.00 per person.

Should you be interested in entering any of the above, please sign up for the rolling competition that correlates to the competition you wish to enter. If selected, you will then be contacted to confirm your place and to inform you of the dates for the first round.

This is a reminder that participants would be required to pay a match fee of £10 for each round that they play for all of the external competitions.

Lydia Garner