September 2024 Newsletter


After discussion with the committee, the date for the AGM has been changed. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday the 14th of November. This will begin at 7pm.

Paperwork for the AGM will be emailed out to all members prior to the meeting. We will not be providing any paper copies this year.


All throughout the summer our greenkeepers have been hard at work trying to get the course in the best condition possible while also preparing for the months to come. While many additional challenges came up to try and slow the team down, we believe they have done an exceptional job!

As a part of this, the team have been digging new drainage ditches which you may have seen appearing on the course. We have also been clearing out and repairing the drainage pipes to try and ensure these are fully working for when the bad weather hits.

A massive thank you to our group of volunteers who have assisted with the tremendous amount of work we’ve had to do this summer. We appreciate you giving up your time to help maintain the course allow us to carry out additional work which otherwise would not have happened.

If you have any spare time and would like to volunteer, please let us know as we would happily embrace any assistance you can offer.


Qualifying Scores

As part of a club wide drive regarding handicaps and qualifying rounds, going forward we will be emailing out quarterly the qualifying rounds completed by each member. This will allow members to see where they stand regarding rounds played. As well as being able to see how many more scores they’d need to enter into some of the upcoming competitions.

The first of these emails will be coming in a few weeks’ time.


Greensomes Competition & Cream Tea

Are you aware of our upcoming competition? On Sunday the 29th of September we will be holding a greensomes competition open to members. This is a competition where you’d compete in pairs to get the best stableford score. After the round, you will also be treated to a cream tea by The Kitchen @.

There is an entry fee of £9.00 which also covers the food. Tee times will be allocated from 1pm. If you are interested in entering this with another member, the sign-up sheet is on the counter. Entries close Thursday the 26th of September.


Charity Wreath Making Class

Ann Morris ran a wreath making class for charity last year with all funds raised being donated to Chilworth to support our chosen charity Jane Scarth House. She managed to raise over £400, for which we are very grateful.

This year Ann has kindly offered to do the same again. This will be held at Thornden School on Tuesday the 3rd of December with tickets being £10.00 per person. If you would like to join Ann in making a Christmas wreath, please give her a call on 02380 262342.

Christmas Lunch and the Christmas menu

We are looking to arrange the Club Christmas Lunch this year. We will be holding two lunches this year, with one being for the ladies and ambassadors and the other for the rest of the club. For both of these meals all members as well as any partners and friends are welcome. The proposed dates for these are Friday the 29th of November for the ladies and ambassadors, followed by Sunday the 1st of December for all other members. More details and sign-up information will follow in the coming weeks so keep your eyes open.

With Christmas fast approaching, The Kitchen @ Chilworth will soon be introducing their Christmas menu. A copy of the menu is below. This we be available from the 2nd of December to both members and visitors. This will be served daily from midday until 8pm. Bookings are required so speak to The Kitchen @ team if you are interested.



Next month The Kitchen @ Chilworth will be holding another quiz night. This will be held on Friday the 18th of October with the cost being £20.00 per person. Team will be limited to a maximum of 6 people.

Food will be served from 6pm with the quiz commencing at 7pm. The meal included will be a lasagne with salad and garlic bread. There will also be a vegetarian option as well as options for any other dietary requirements.

Please speak to the Kitchen @ staff to sign up. All are welcome so bring your friends!




Lydia Garner