01.00      TITLE

 The Club is a private members golf club that is attached to and run under Chilworth Members Golf Company Limited (the Company), a company limited by guarantee.

 The Company is held by certain nominated members for the benefit of all members of the Club.


02.00      OBJECTS

 02.01      To promote administer and encourage amateur golf at Chilworth Members Golf Club Main Road Chilworth Southampton SO16 7JP.

 02.02      To arrange and manage such competitions matches and other events as the General Management Committee (as hereinafter defined) considers appropriate.

 02.03      To take such action and to arrange such social activities from time to time as the General Management Committee may consider desirable for the benefit of its members.

 02.04      The Club will run a not for profit golf club for the benefit of the members of the Club.

 The Club will run with the object of covering its costs and investing any surplus for the improvement of the course and facilities for the benefit of the members.

 After taking account of the need to maintain and improve the course and facilities the objective of the Club will be financial break even.

 02.05         If at any time the Club is dissolved or the company wound up it is part of the Clubs constitution that any surplus will not be returned to the members but will be paid for the benefit of a charity or other institution or institutions having objects similar to those of the Club as nominated by the General Management Committee.


03.00      MEMBERSHIP 

The Club shall consist of Members who may be men women or juniors.

No membership of the Club shall be granted for a period of less than three months.


04.00      MANAGEMENT

The management of the Club shall be in the hands of the General Management Committee who shall have full power in the respect of the purchase and disposal of its property the general conduct of the Club the finances of the Club and the transactions of any business relating to the Club.


05.00      OBLIGATIONS

              The Club shall:-

05.01      Abide by the rules of Golf as laid down from time to tome by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.

 05.02      Abide by rules of amateur status as laid down from time to time by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.

 05.03      Comply with the regulations and rules of the Standard Scratch Score and Handicapping Scheme and any conditions imposed on the Scheme by the Council of National Golf Union or any amendment or re-enactment thereof from time to time in force.

 05.04      Abide by the rules of any applicable Golf Union from time to time in force.

 05.05      Pay to the various Unions such subscriptions as required.

 05.06      The General Management Committee (and the Company) will undertake to grant to the Union the facilities of the Course and part of the Clubhouse at reasonable intervals in accordance with Union practice from time to time.


06.00      OFFICERS

                The Officers of the Club shall be:-

  • A President

  • Honorary Secretary

  • Honorary Treasurer

  • Honorary Assistant Secretary

  • Honorary Assistant Treasurer

  • Handicap Secretary

  • Assistant Handicap Secretary

  • Competition Secretary

  • Assistant Competition Secretary

  • Greenkeepers Representative

 06.01      The President, The Secretary, The Treasurer, the Assistant Secretary and the Assistant Treasurer shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting as a position is available.

 06.02      The remaining Officers shall hold office for one year and be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

 06.03      All candidates for election as Officers of the Club shall be nominated by the General Management Committee 21 clear days before the AGM and a list of names shall be posted on the Club Notice Board 14 days before the AGM.



The Committees will be constituted as follows:-

 07.01      The Steering Committee (SC):-

Two Directors of Chilworth Members Golf Company Ltd

One member nominated by the General Management Committee

 07.02      The General Management Committee (GMC):-

  • The President

  • The Honorary Secretary

  • The Honorary Treasurer

  • The Assistant Secretary

  • The Assistant Treasurer

  • The Competition Secretary

  • The Assistant Competition Secretary

  • The Handicap Secretary

  • The Assistant Handicap Secretary

  • The Greenkeepers Representative

07.03      The GMC shall have the power to co-opt up to three members but co-opted members shall have no right to vote at Committee Meetings.

 07.04      The Chairman of the GMC shall be elected by the Committee at the first General Management Committee Meeting after the Annual General Meeting. 

 07.05      The President may vote and in addition shall have the casting vote which in all cases shall be for the status quo.

 07.06      A quorum for the GMC shall be three, “all of whom shall be Officers of the Club”.

 07.07      The Committee shall co-opt members as Managers to manage the various sections that need to be managed i.e. Ambassadors/Ladies/Juniors.

 07.08      The Sub Committees

The GMC shall appoint Handicap Competition and such other Sub-Committees as shall be required from time to time for any special purpose or purposes.  The GMC shall determine the terms of reference and delegate powers of each of the Sub-Committees.  These Sub-Committees will be responsible to the GMC.

Each Sub Committees shall be constituted as follows:-

  •  At least one Officer of the Club

  •   Such other Members as may be approved by the GMC.

 07.09      The Steering Committee shall have the power is issue byelaws relating to the admission of Members and Guests to the Golf Course and Clubhouse.

 08.00      ELECTION OF MEMBERS         

 08.01      A proposal form shall be provided by the The Club Secretary and shall be completed and returned together with payment of Membership Fees.  Only those Members with bona fide handicap shall be affiliated to the Golf Union.

 08.02      The Company shall collect the sum demanded by the Golf Union for Union Fees of the various sections of Chilworth Golf Club.

 08.03      The Club Secretary may with absolute discretion and without explanation decline acceptance or renewal of any application.

 08.04      Upon payment of the Chilworth Members Golf Club Membership Fees the Honorary Secretary shall make available upon demand to the Member a Copy of the Rules and Byelaws of the Club.

 08.05      The club will have the following membership categories:

  • Full Club Members

  • Temporary Club Members – This will cover all members not falling within any other category and be for a duration of twelve months.  All temporary members will be required to sign the temporary membership record.


              Life Members and Honorary members shall be nominated by the General management Committee for election at the Annual General Meeting

 10.00      JUNIOR MEMBERS

Junior members up to and including the age of 18 years with an active managed Chilworth Members Golf Club handicap may be elected to the Junior Section and will be subject to the Club Rules.  After the age of 18 they may seek Full Membership of the Club.


11.01      Subscriptions and Entrance Fees for each category of Membership shall be determined by the The General Management Committee in advance of the commencement of the year.

11.02      Subscriptions shall be payable in advance.   The subscription to Chilworth Members Golf Club shall be made up of the above subscription and also the sum demanded by the Golf Union and other Unions as applicable for Fees of the various sections.

11.03      A Chilworth Members Golf Club member having paid his or her subscription shall be deemed to have submitted themselves to the Rules of the Chilworth Members Golf Club a copy of which shall be available on demand.

11.04      Any member whose Subscription is unpaid after the due date shall cease to exercise any of the privileges of Membership.  The GMC may terminate the membership of any member whose subscription is unpaid in any year.

11.05      No Member in arrears shall compete in any Club Competition.


The Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for all books documents and records of the Club.  He or she shall keep full and accurate records of meetings.  He or she shall attend to correspondence and day to day running of the Club.   For the avoidance of doubt the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer may be one and the same person.


The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the proper accounting of all monies on behalf of the Club.  He or she shall keep the accounts of the Chilworth Members Golf Club and together with the Auditors make up the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance sheet to the last day of March in each year and after audit make them available to Club members on demand.  For the avoidance of doubt the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary may be one and the same person.



To assist the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer in their duties.



The Competition Secretary in conjunction with the Competition Sub-Committee shall be responsible for the running of Competitions the keeping of records and results and the accounting of competition monies to the Treasurer.

For the avoidance of doubt the Competition Secretary and the Handicap Secretary may be one and the same person.



The Handicap Secretary in conjunction with the Handicap Sub-Committee shall be responsible for complying with the Regulations and Rules of the Standard Scratch Score and Handicapping Scheme 1983 issued by the Council of National Golf Unions and any conditions imposed on the Scheme by the said Council or any amendment or re-enactment thereof from time to time in force.  For the avoidance of doubt the Handicap Secretary and the Competition Secretary may be one and the same person.



 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in each year at such time date and place as may be decided by the GMC and the Agenda to be posted on the Notice Board 21 days before the Annual General meeting.

The purpose of the Annual General Meeting will be to:-

 17.01      Receive a Report upon the workings of the Club for the year

 17.02      To consider and if approved to pass the Club Accounts for the preceding year.

 17.03      To Elect Officers

 17.04      To appoint an Auditor

 17.05      To consider any Resolution submitted by a member.  Any such Resolution shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary as least 35 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting and at least 21 days before the AGM a copy of the said Resolution shall be posted on the notice board and the notice convening the AGM shall so state.

 17.06      The President or in his absence a member of the GMC elected by the meeting shall act as Chairman he shall have a casting vote in addition to his own vote which casting vote shall in all cases be for the status quo.

 17.07      A Quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 10 members.



A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the GMC or upon the requisition of any thirty members signed by said members and made in writing to the Honorary Secretary.  Upon receipt of such requisition the Honorary Secretary shall fix a date for the meeting and 14 days prior to such date shall post on the notice board a notice to all members of the business to be transacted at such meeting and a copy of the requisition.  A quorum shall be ten members.



 19.01      No new rule shall be made nor shall any rule be altered amended or repealed except at the Annual General meeting or a Special General Meeting of the Club.

 19.02      Notice of such proposed new rule alteration amendment or of any amendment to any proposed Resolution must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary for consideration by the GMC duly signed by the Proposer and Seconder both of whom shall be fully paid up Members of Chilworth Members Golf Club.

 19.03      When a proposal for a new rule alteration amendment or repeal of any rule is considered by the GMC it shall be competent for any member voting on such proposal to alter or amend any such proposed new rule or any such alteration amendment or repeal or to make any addition or alteration to such proposal provided that any alterations amendments or additions made under this rule shall not affect the substance or intent of the original proposal.

 19.04      No proposal for the adoption of new rules alteration amendment or repeal of any rule may be approved without a majority of at least 75% of the votes cast by those present and voting at the GMC.  If a new rule alteration amendment or repeal of any rule is approved by the GMC then it shall be put on the Agenda of the next AGM or if necessary a Special General Meeting of the Chilworth Members Golf Club.

 19.05      Notwithstanding the above provisions, no change shall be made to rules 02.04, 02.05 and 26.00 such that the club would be permitted to distribute profit or surpluses to members whether whilst the Club continues or on its dissolution.



The GMC shall be empowered to make byelaws and rules for competitions and matches to meet temporary emergencies or for any purpose for the well being of the club and such byelaws and rules shall remain effective until repealed by the GMC or set aside by the members at an AGM.

 21.00      Only players who have official handicaps allocated according to the handicapping system approved by the Council of National Unions and ELGA shall be permitted to enter competitions of the Club or take part in any matches organised by the Club.  This rule shall not apply to social events or similar special competitions.  Each member is responsible for playing to his or her correct handicap.


22.00      SCORE CARDS

Score cards as approved by the GMC must be used for all competitions and must be handed in and returned as arranged by the Competition Secretary immediately on completion of the round.  The time limit for handing in cards in a competition is half an hour after sunset unless otherwise specifically specified.



 Any member wishing to resign from the Club shall give notice to the Honorary Secretary in writing to that effect.  A member having resigned and wishing to rejoin within two years of the last day of the previous membership may be re-elected when a vacancy arises and upon such financial terms as the Steering Committee may decide.



Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests comply with Club Rules and Byelaws


25.00      COMPLAINTS

 25.01      Any complaints shall be made in writing to the Secretary who shall convene a meeting of the complaints Committee at the earliest convenient date.  The Complaints Committee shall consist of three members of the GMC with power to co-opt one other member at their discretion any three to form a quorum.

 25.02      The Complaints Committee shall have power to reprimand suspend expel from the Club or impose any other form of restriction of Club privileges which they consider appropriate on any member who infringes any rule or byelaw of the Club or whose conduct shall in their opinion be prejudicial to the character or interest of the Club or whose conduct is likely to endanger the welfare unanimity or good order of the Club.

 25.03      The Complaints Committee shall be empowered to require the member concerned to withdraw from the facilities of the membership until the date of the meeting to which such member shall be summoned.

 25.04      If the Complaints Committee are of the opinion that the complaint or complaints do not warrant them summoning such member to appear before them such member and the complainant may be notified to this effect.

 25.05      If the Complaints Committee are of the opinion that the complaint or complaints against a member does warrant such a member being summoned to appear before the Complaints Committee at least seven clear days notice in writing shall be given by the Honorary Secretary to the member being so summoned and the notice shall contain a statement detailing the complaint or complaints.

 25.06      No member shall be reprimanded suspended expelled or have his privileges restricted save as provided for in sub-paragraph 24.03 hereof without being first summoned before the Complaints Committee and full opportunity afforded such member to provide a defence.  Should a member fail to appear before the Complaints Committee having given no prior reasonable explanation for his failure to do so the case will proceed and be dealt with by the complaints Committee in such member’s absence.

 25.07      Any appeal against the decision of the Complaints Committee as aforesaid shall be made to the General Management Committee and shall be put in writing to the Honorary Secretary within 30 days from the date of the Complaints Committee decision and such appeal shall contain a statement detailing the grounds of appeal.  Any appeal as aforesaid shall be hears at the next regular meeting of the GMC or at an emergency meeting convened for the purpose and the decision of the Committee shall be final and binding.  At the hearing of the appeal voting shall take place by secret ballot and any Resolution shall require a two thirds majority of the members present and voting.  Until the determination of the Appeal clause 25.03 shall remain in effect.


26.00      PROPERTY

In the event of the Club being wound up any trophies or other donated assets will be offered back to the donors.  The value of any further assets will be dealt with in accordance with clause 02.05.



1.             Only Chilworth Members Golf Club Members and their guests shall be admitted to the Golf Course and they shall:-

 2.             Observe and conform to the Rules of Golf as laid down from time to time by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews the Chilworth Members Golf Club and the Owners/Managers of Chilworth Golf Course.

 3.             Observe and conform to the etiquette of the game of golf and any local rules operational from time to time.

 4.             At all times conduct themselves and behave in a manner which does not give offence to any other person on the Golf Course or Club premises.

 5.             Observe the standard of dress as laid down.

 6.             Book all starting times at the Golf Shop.

 7.             Pay the appropriate Green Fees before commencing play.

 8.             Replace all divots and as far as possible repair any other damage caused to the Golf course particularly pitch marks.

 9.             No Members to use golf buggies on the Golf Course. (Only buggies used by Greenkeeping Staff are permitted on the golf course.)

 10.          Observe any local rules exhibited from time to time at the Clubhouse

 11.          The players are not allowed to take dogs or other pets onto the Course or into the Clubhouse.

 12.          Children under the age of seven years are not allowed on the Course at any time.

 13.          No illegal gambling drunkenness bad language or disorderly conduct will be permitted on the Course or in the Club Premises.

 14.          The Club accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss damage or injury to any person or property on the premises car park or Golf Course.

 15.          The Club reserves itself the right to refuse any person entry to the Course at any time.

 16.          In the event of a breach of these Byelaws the Company will take such action as may be appropriate to the circumstances.

 17.          Only paid up Chilworth Members Golf Club members are entitled to Members reduced green fees.

 18.          All persons entering the premises must observe the Health and Safety Rules and Regulations,

The Course Health and Safety Regulations and safe practice and etiquette contained  in Section 1 of the Rules of Golf all of which are posted on the Noticeboard and contained herein.  Please be aware that the Accident Book is kept behind the shop counter should it be required.



12th June 2012