Newsletter - January 2023
Dear Member,
Happy New Year from all of us at Chilworth Golf Club.
We hope you are able to keep swinging in some shape or another after the continuation of disruption from the weather. Hopefully not much longer until he course starts to take shape for the year. We just wanted to bring you attention to the following information.
Unfortunately due to the weather there are no results to post from December.
Competitions coming up:
January 18th – 9 hole Stableford
January 21st – 23rd - 3 ball team bowmaker
February 16th - 9 hole Stableford
February 18th – 20th – 3 ball team scramble
Booking system
We are pleased to see most of you are now using the online booking system, however if any of you are struggling please see a member of staff who will give you guidance on how to do so. For those that don’t know you can access the course information each day through the booking app.
There have been some recent Rule changes from the R&A for 2023. Below is a quick summary: