Note to Members
Dear Member
The feedback from members after the AGM was that we need to tighten up our rules on the golf course.
To this end, there is a board in the Pro Shop with reminders on.
1) All members playing on the golf course must come into the Pro Shop BEFORE going out to play, to collect a score card with their tee time and date on. The reasons behind this are:-
The staff know who has turned up for the tee time they have booked.
At present we have numerous bookings to which it would appear nobody has played.
The staff can see that all members are observing the dress code.
2) All members must have their own clubs and golf bags. Club sharing is not allowed.
3) You need to respect the golf course. We spend a lot of time and money on trying to enhance the course for the benefit of all. It really is soul destroying for the greenkeepers staff and volunteers to work so hard, only to see Members not repairing pitch marks, not replacing divots and not raking bunkers.
4) Be mindful of those members around you when out on the golf course. A round of golf is meant to be played at a prompt pace. (See rule 5.6) Each player should recognise that their pace of play is likely to affect how long it will take other members to play their rounds, including both those in the player’s own group and those in following groups.
Please read the Prompt Place of Play recommendation in the Rules of Golf. A player should prepare in advance for the next stroke and be ready to play when it is their turn.
At Chilworth The acceptable time to play holes 1 to 9 is 2 Hours 15 minutes and holes 10 to 18 in 1.5 hours. Total time for the round therefore is under 4 hours.
5) You need to be at the tee, ready to commence your round, ten minutes prior to your allocated tee time and be ready to commence on time. If you arrive later that this, you may be asked to wait for the next available tee time.
6) Golf Etiquette should be observed at all times.
7) We do have a STRICTLY NO ALCOHOL policy on the golf course.
8) The Course Marshal does have a difficult job to do, and to assist him in this he will now be wearing a bodycam.